CAPITALS indicate menu choices. Type in text inside “quote marks.”
Scene 110: Shamara’s Bedroom
After the opening cartoon ends, TAKE the hair weave kit and the vice grips. In inventory, OPEN the hair weave kit, then USE the vice grips on the needle. USE the bent needle on the handcuffs to free Larry.
Scene 120: Shamara’s Front Room
Left click on glass door, choose OTHER, type in “break”. Resulting animation ends with Larry on the cruise ship.
Scene 341: Purser’s Desk
Get key card and map from purser. Use map to go to Cabin 0, Larry’s cabin.
Scene 550: Larry’s Cabin
Take toilet paper and lubricant. Use map to go to The Proud Little Seaman Lounge.
Scene 240: The Lounge
Watch Thygh’s Man Trophy Meeting, get scorecard. Use map to go to Sexual Prowess Competition.
Scene 410: The LoveMaster 2000
Use scorecard on machine. Get score of two. Way to go! Use map to go to swimming pool.
Scene 301: Changing Cabana
Talk to cabana steward. Change into the swimsuit he gives you. Enter swimming pool area.
Scene 300: Swimming Pool
Read magazine on table. Talk to Drew about her book to get it. Talk about Clothes. Listen to Drew order a drink. Choose drink and listen to Larry order a drink. Use map to go to library.
Scene 430: Library
Read books until you read the book on electromagnetism and Anton Fokker. Go to Victorian’s desk by exiting to the right, just past the bookcase.
Scene 432: Prude Vicki
Click on Victorian, choose TALK, OTHER. Type in any subject. While Victorian is turned away, take mucilage and book from stack. (If you don’t have time to take both, type in another subject to make her turn away again.) In inventory, click on Prudish and Proud, choose REMOVE JACKET. Click on The Erotic Adventures of Hercules, USE P&P cover. Close inventory. After VP is done typing, exit room. She will ask for book and Larry will leave it behind automatically. Exit the library to the lounge, then return.
Scene 433: Wild Vicki
TALK to Vicki about the weather. Have sex. After sex Larry will automatically return to his cabin. Return to library, TALK to Vicki about “sex”, then choose “prove it”. Choose “Lovemaster”. She will go with Larry to the LoveMaster 2000.
Scene 410: LoveMaster 2000
Watch Vicki get a record high score. Use map to go to swimming pool.
Scene 300: Swimming Pool
TALK to Drew. Choose “Fokker”, then talk to her about all other topics. Go to Promenade Deck.
Scene 260: Promenade Deck
TAKE the fire hose, then find Peggy on deck and TALK to her. Choose “cabin boy” in conversation topic. Go to the employees’ break room.
Scene 385: Employee Break Room
Take the jumper wire (hanging on the bulletin board) and the KZJelly (on the counter by the sink). Read the message on the bulletin board regarding “shaved dice”. Click on the locker bay and look at the lockers. Return to the Promenade Deck.
Scene 260: Promenade Deck
Find Peggy and TALK to her. Choose “locker”, and then “combination”. Go to Employee Break Room.
Scene 380: Employee Break Room
Click on 2nd locker bottom row and choose OPEN. Type in the combination “38-24-36”. Larry will enter Xqwzts’ stall.
Scene 385: Xqwzts’ Stall
Talk to Xqwzts about all topics. Buy dirty pictures from him. Return to the Promenade Deck.
Scene 260: Promenade Deck
Find Peggy and TALK to her. Choose “Xqwzts” all topics concerning him. Find out he needs a passport. Go to Purser’s desk.
Scene 341: Purser’s Desk
Talk to the Purser about passports. Larry needs a photo ID to get his passport. USE mucilage on dirty pictures, then USE sticky photo on cabin keycard to create a photo ID. USE the photo ID on the Purser to get Larry’s passport. Go back to Xqwzts.
Scene 387: Xqwzts Stall
Give Xqwzts the passport and get master key. Use the map to go to the forward hold.
Scene 531: Luggage Bulkhead Door (Forward Hold)
USE master key on door, enter and get Drew’s suitcase. Use map to go to pool.
Scene 300: Swimming Pool
TALK to Drew about suitcase. Watch cartoon of Drew going to Larry’s room and getting in shower.
Scene 550: Larry’s Cabin
USE fire hose on toilet. Larry will connect hose to overhead pipe and toilet. FLUSH toilet. Drew will scream and run from the room. TAKE the mold from the shower. Use map to go to the horseshoe competition area, then exit to the right to reach the Poop Deck.
Scene 255: Poop Deck
TALK to Juggs about their show. Use map to go to the Heaving Ho’ Restaurant.
Scene 330/331: Restaurant
TALK to the meat carver. TAKE S’pork until Wang leaves. TAKE carving knife. TAKE bulb from heat lamp. Use the map to return to the lounge.
Scene 240: Lounge
TALK to Johnson, order a cocktail; choose “gigantic erection”. While Johnson is mixing the drink, go into Juggs’ dressing room.
Scene 245: Juggs’ Dressing Room
USE silicone lubricant on deodorant can on dressing table. PUSH button at the rear of the dressing room. Return to the lounge.
Scene 240: Lounge
LOOK at the spotlight, then TAKE the spotlight bulb. USE heat lamp bulb on spotlight. Use the map to go to the horseshoe competition area.
Scene 245: Juggs’ Dressing Room
PUSH button at the rear of the dressing room. Leave the dressing room. Exit the lounge, then return. Watch cartoon of Larry having sex with the Juggs, then returning to his room. Use the map to go to back to the lounge.
Scene 240: Lounge
Go onto the lounge stage. TAKE the chase lights and remote control. Go to sculpture garden.
Scene 360: Sculpture Garden
TAKE dice from Venus sculpture. Exit the room, then return. Climb scaffold. TAKE screwdriver. USE chase lights on iron stake. Descend scaffold. USE remote control on spike. Use map to go to horseshoe competition area.
Scene 250: Horseshoe Competition Area
USE scorecard on machine. USE remote control. Throw horseshoes. Score big! Retrieve your scorecard from the centaur. Use the map to go to break room.
Scene 380: Employees’ Break Room
READ notice on wall about shaved dice. USE toilet paper on souvenir dice. Go to buffet.
Scene 330: Buffet in Restaurant
EAT bean dip. Use map to go to casino.
Scene 370: Casino
Stand near group at craps table. Click on Larry, select FART. Click on craps table, select PLAY. Take dice offered by croupier. USE shaved dice on table. Go back to Dewmi’s room with her.
Scene 510: Dewmi’s Room
Play Liars Dice and win. (To cheat at Liars Dice, do Ctrl-C.) See Dewmi slip Larry the orgasmic powder. Watch Larry’s acid trip. Heavy, man. He returns to his room. Use map to go to kitchen.
Scene 540: Kitchen
TAKE fish wrapped in Professional Hash Slinger magazine. TAKE salt and pot. In inventory, READ the magazine page, until you hear the recipes for beaver cheese and quiche. Use map to go to lower aft hold.
Scene 520: Beaver Hold (Lower Aft Hold)
Click on a beaver, any beaver. Use the POT to get beaver milk. Go to the lounge.
Scene 240: Lounge
TALK to bartender. Choose “lime juice”. Go to Fo’c’s’le.
Scene 260: Fo’c’s’le
TAKE kumquats from the kumquat tree. Go to kitchen.
Scene 540: Kitchen
USE beaver milk on cheese machine. In Inventory, USE the kumquat on the cheese to make quiche. Use map to go to Dewmi’s room.
Scene 510: Dewmi’s Room
TAKE orgasmic powder from dresser. USE powder on quiche to make Quiche de Larry. Use the map to go to cook-off competition.
Scene 420: Cook-Off Competition
USE the quiche on the conveyor belt. Watch Larry get a perfect score - yummy! Use the map to go to the ballroom.
Scene 211: Bridge Exterior
USE screwdriver to open junction box. USE jumper wire on junction box. Climb the ladder to the yardarm.
Scene 210: The Yardarm
Wait for PA announcement to unfurl sails, look at sails, then USE knife on unfurled sails. Spend the night wrapped up in the sails. Go to ballroom.
Scene 402: Ballroom
Enter the large door at the lower right. Go into ballroom and TALK to Jamie about all topics, then choose “leisure suit”. USE polyester on her. She takes Larry’s clothes, he returns to his room. Return to ballroom, enter back stage door. Star in the fashion show. Go to best-dressed competition area.
Scene 440: Best-Dressed Competition
UNZIP the mannequin’s fly. Win best dressed contest. Go to Xqwzts’ closet.
Scene 388: Xqwzts’ Stall
USE screwdriver on air vent. In the dark room, click on Larry (he’s near the lower right corner) and select UNDRESS. Watch cartoon of Larry’s first encounter with Annette. Annette will leave her hanky behind. TAKE it. In inventory, USE the KZJelly on the handkerchief. Use the map to go to Aft Hold.
Scene 500: Pin-Setter Hold
(Aft Hold)
Open the metal door. USE the deodorant on the pins in the pin hopper. Go to bowling competition area.
Scene 390: Bowling Competition
USE scorecard on walrus to get a bowling ball. TAKE the bowling ball, then in inventory, USE the treated handkerchief on the bowling ball. USE the ball on the lane in front of Larry (Or select play) and watch Larry bowl a perfect game! Use map to go to restaurant, then exit to the rear to enter the blind dessert tasting room.
Scene 320: Blind Dessert Testing
Look at chairs until you find Annette’s. You’ll know it’s hers when you see the CyberSniff 2000 logo flash “4”. TAKE life insurance policy. LOOK at policy. Go to Purser’s desk.
Scene 341: Purser’s Desk
TALK to purser about Boning. Click on lobby phone, select “Call”. Talk to purser on phone, talk to him about “Boning”. Hang up phone. Ask purser about your account. While he’s gone, LOOK at upside-down phone. Choose REDIAL to learn number of Boning suite. Use map to go to Owners’ (Boning) Suite.
Scene 311: Boning Suite Door
OPEN the glass door and enter the Bonings’ suite.
Scene 310: Boning Suite
Click on Larry and choose UNDRESS. Watch amusing cartoon. Larry returns to his room. Use the map to go back to the Boning Suite.
Scene 311: Boning Suite Door
PUSH the button to ring the doorbell. When Annette answers, USE the insurance policy on her to get the stock certificate. Use the map to go to the Captain’s Quarters.
Scene 220: Captain’s Quarters
Click on the door, choose OTHER, then type in “knock”. USE stock certificate on Captain to finish the game.